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How To Feel Confident During Your Braces Treatment

Getting braces is an exciting investment into your smile and your oral health. It’s normal, though, for there to be a bit of an adjustment period when it comes to getting used to them. Concerns about discomfort, habits, and appearance can filter their way in, putting a black cloud over a positive transformative experience. The…

How Do Braces Help With Speech and Jaw Issues

It’s common knowledge that braces straighten teeth, but many people are unaware of the many problems that can be relieved through orthodontic treatment. Issues such as speech difficulties, jaw pain, and more can be a direct result of teeth misalignment. At New Braunfels Braces, we see many patients who suffer from a variety of dental…

How Braces Can Benefit Your Overall Oral Health

Many people incorrectly assume that braces are intended to improve appearance. With that in mind, a person unbothered by how their smile looks may also assume they don’t need orthodontic care. In reality, orthodontists use braces to fix a wide variety of dental issues that can impact a person’s oral health overall. At New Braunfels…

Why Choose an Orthodontist Over Your General Dentist For Orthodontic Treatment

The decision to straighten your teeth or correct your bite may be simple, but knowing where to go or what to do next can feel overwhelming. There are a multitude of options available to choose from, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The only way to move forward is by consulting an…

Braces on Break: How to Make the Most of Your Time Off with New Braunfels Braces

The holiday season has arrived, and with it comes a long-awaited winter break. This well-deserved hiatus from school or work is the perfect time to catch up with friends, rest, and on that new show you’ve been hearing about. But, what if you could also use the extra downtime to begin an epic smile transformation?…

Taking care of Your Braces at School

Taking care of Your Braces at School

How do you achieve and maintain your smile at school when you just got your braces? Schools operate on a tight schedule. Consequently, students may not have the luxury of time and tools at their disposal to care for their mouth and braces. It is important to make space and time to care for your…

How Long Do I Need To Wear Braces

How Long Do I Need To Wear Braces

Braces Timeline Typically, most orthodontists will recommend that braces be worn for 18 months to 2 years; however, depending on the circumstances, treatment time can vary from patient to patient. There are various factors that contribute to the treatment time associated with straighter teeth such as the severity of the problem, patient cooperation, and the…

Caring For Your Braces Over Holiday Break

Caring For Your Braces Over Holiday Break

Braces Care With Your Expert New Braunfels Orthodontists For all of you braces-wearers out there, holiday break can really take a toll on the overall well-being of your mouth and braces! With holiday-inspired sweets, treats, and meals around every corner, it’s crucial that you give your brackets some extra tender love and care on a…

3 Benefits Of Adult Invisalign

3 Benefits Of Adult Invisalign

At New Braunfels Braces, we are proud to welcome adult patients in our offices every day who are looking to perfect their smiles! With modern advancements in orthodontic technology and the revolutionary Invisalign system, we are now able to give adults of all ages the ability to straighten their teeth in a discreet way. Our dental team understands that…